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How it all began

In the beginning, before existence, there was only a Great Darkness; a lifeless, empty void. Within that darkness, however, a single, burning Light was born – Viperior. As it grew, the darkness receded, resulting in the Light expanding to encompass all of existence itself. And in that moment, creation was born. As its avatar, “Viperior”, the Light created the infinite and eternal Omniverse. In the process, it planted its divine essence into all creation on a fundamental level, making the Light present in all things. From a singular, zero-dimensional focal point, Viperior grew to become the very foundation of all reality. And outside of all creation, there lay the Prime. The prime is Viperior in its truest form, as an eternal stretch of pure white, The Prime exists beyond all understanding and levels of reality, and is the canvas of all possible creation, with the whole of Kein Zurück, from 0-Dimensional anomalies to omni dimensional beings such as the Primevals being essentially nothing but non-existent fiction to it.

The Layers of Creation

The cosmological structure of Kein Zurück is complicated, to say the least. It is similar in scope to something like the Archie Comics multiverse, consisting of multiple extra-dimensional layers stacked upon each other. (Refer to the map picture above to learn more about these layers)

Where Stories Unfold

The stories of Kein Zurück primarily take place within one of the four continuums within what is referred to as “Mainsstream Creation”. The names of these continuums are Alta, Nova, Maya, and Cara. But in particular, many of Kein Zurück’s stories take place in a reality located within Alta, called the Homerealm. This universe is the main focal point of the Alta continuum, and has all the features of our reality: same countries, same personalities (politicians, celebrities, etc.), same historical events and so on. However, it also features distinct traits, such as countries like Vesmuania, Kyrzbekistan, and Genovia, and organizations like the supernatural research foundation the Labyrinth Company, the terrorist organization Al Kahara, and the space agency SPARTA (Space Pioneer Association of Research, Technology and Agriculture). The Homerealm is the mainstream continuity of the Kein Zurück multiverse and where most of the main storylines take place. In fact, all the other universes within the Alta continuum are actually alternate realities and iterations of the Homerealm universe.

Kamina Sethna

Author Kamina Sethna

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